Thursday, June 3, 2010


has changed just a little bit:) I finished my first semester of nursing school and was just begining to really enjoy the first part of my three week break, however I was hit by a sweep of emotion and couldn't help but feel that "this" (being home with the kids) is where I should be. The last five months have been filled with intense stress coupled with large amounts of guilt....with not a whole lot of reward for any of us. So I made the difficult decision to put school off. Difficult because I've worked so extremely hard to get where I am. At the same time I've learned great lessons of appreciation for my family. I am so grateful for my three beautiful babes and their amazing father, who isn't just a baby daddy, but my best friend too;) So here's to stepping back into motherhood!!!


    I like looking at blogs better than facebook anyway.

  2. That's a hard decision to make since you've already completed a semester but the Spirit will always lead you to the right decision.

  3. Love your blog... the background is so cute, but your pictures are awesome!!! Your kids are getting so big. I think you know in your gutt what is the right thing for you. You can go back to school when all the kids are in school. We miss you guys! Jodi

  4. Okay we need to talk. I didn't even know you were thinking about this. Call me.

  5. So fun to see! Thank you Sunny! You have the courage to do what is best for you and your family. Enjoy immensely. . .

